4. Syntax in Functions

Patterns, guards, where, let, and case.

Chapter 4 Reading Guide

Questions to help you understand Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 Discussion I

Slideshow of Discussion problems for Chapter 4. Similar but not identical to reading guide questions.

Chapter 4 Discussion II

Discussion on first half of the reading guide for Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 Discussion III

Lots of problems so you can practice writing Haskell.

Chapter 4 Discussion IV

A few practice problems from a review session.

Chapter 4 Discussion V

Scrabble and the game of 24.

Chapter 4 Discussion VI

The alternating series.

Chapter 4 Problem Set II

Exercises to improve your Haskell programming.

Chapter 4 Quiz C

Ten minute quiz.

Chapter 4 Summary

patterns, guards, where, let, case

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)