
I don’t need any presents to encourage me to do my job. I will take care of your students as best I can. You can stop reading here and just worry about yourself / your work / your student.

  • I would love to have you come speak to a class about your career.
  • I enjoy things students make. Art. Stories. Food. Pictures.
  • I love to eat. Especially desserts.
  • I love to cook.
  • I do not drink coffee.
  • I buy a lot at Target and from Amazon.
  • Electronic and mechanical devices are cool.
  • I appreciate support of the robotics team; support us through the Friends of Whitney Young.

CPS has ethical guidelines on gifts. Summary: single gifts up to $50 are ok; multiple gifts from one source up to $100 total in a year.

Last modified November 29, 2023: Potential gift ideas and restrictions. (a74ee8e)