Letters of Recommendation

Steps to getting your letter written.

The most important contribution I can make to your application is concrete evidence of some of the claims you make about yourself. I can also address things that are not visible in your application (e.g., integrity, grit) and things that you cannot bring up yourself (e.g., poor grade in another class due to irresponsible teaching).

  • Tell me about something you worked hard at.
  • What project did you do (in my class) that you are most proud of? (Any similar accomplishments ok.)
  • What topics did you find difficult to understand, and what did you do about it?
  • Big projects: usually someone I am writing for has completed some kind of larger project, either in my class or outside. Tell me about at least one.
  • How have you grown over the years that I have known you?
  • What has made you successful?

It is important that I give specific examples to back up general assertion that I make. You are much more likely to remember particular things that you have done than I am. Please help me remember when you answer these questions!

Please also include these administrative details.

  • Classes you have had with me and grade level for each.
  • Who else have you asked to write a letter?
  • A few of your realistic (slightly reach) top choices for colleges.


  • It’s not done until you hear from me that it is done. Continue to talk to me about when it will be done until it is complete. In the worst case scenario, you can sit in the room and answer questions as I write it. Do not assume I will complete the letter with no interaction from you!

  • Letters are generally done at least 24 hours before the deadline. If that will not be the case, you should have communication from me.

  • Naviance should show the correct dates for your college apps. If it shows January 1 and you are applying early decision, that’s going to be a problem. Make double-sure I am aware if the dates shown are wrong.

  • If I ask you questions and don’t get a response in a reasonable time, the letter will not be written. (Believe it or not some people don’t respond in a week or more!)