All Commands
- A digital pin output can be set to true or false. (Use the operators
true :: operators boolean orfalse :: operators boolean .) - A PWM pin output can be set to any value 0 through 255.
- A digital reading input is either true or false.
- An analog reading input is a number from 0 to 1023.
- Divide analog reading inputs by 4 to use the in PWM pin outputs. Using a larger number will work, but the actual effect wraps around to zero every multiple of 256.
Snap4Arduino Blocks
set digital pin ( v) to <> :: #468cfc analog reading ( v) :: #468cfc reporter set pin ( v) to value (128) :: #468cfc digital reading ( v) :: #468cfc boolean arduino connected? :: #468cfc boolean connect arduino at [] :: #468cfc disconnect arduino :: #468cfc set servo ( v) to [clockwise v] :: #468cfc
Interesting Facts
Analog means continuously adjustable. Analog devices you know: bicycle brakes, dimmer switches on (old incandescent) lights, knobs on stove to adjust gas temperature.
The Arduino can use Pulse Width Modulation vary the brightness of LEDs. Pulse Width refers to the fraction of the time that the electricity is on. Modulation means changing. Translation: the Arduino controls brightness by changing the fraction of time the electricity is actually delivered to the light. Read more about pulse width modulation.
PWM output is sometimes called “fake analog”. The computer pretends to have a light on 50% brightness by turning it on full blast for 50% of the time and off for the other 50% of the time (switching back and forth very fast so the human eye cannot see the transition).