
Chapter 1 Functions: above, beside, overlay, flip-vertical, flip-horizontal, rotate-cw, rotate-ccw, rotate-180. Additional: scale.

Part I

Each capital letter below represents an image of that letter. Draw the image that you get.

  1. (beside X B)
  2. (above P D)
  3. (scale 2 B)
  4. (overlay X (scale 2 D))
  5. (beside (scale 2 E) G)
  6. (rotate-ccw E)
  7. (rotate-180 (beside F O O D))
  8. (flip-vertical (beside W A T E R))
  9. (flip-horizontal (above G O))
  10. (above (beside W Y) (beside H I G H))

Part II

Write the commands that would give the image.


Part III Exit Ticket

  1. (overlay G (scale 3 O))
  2. (beside A (flip-horizontal P))