Maximum, Minimum, Random

Make a Table

Max = greatest. Min = least. Abs = absolute value.

x (min x 10) (max x 10) (abs x)

Include x = 8, 13, 18 as well.

Which keeps numbers small?

x (min x 10) (max x 10) (abs x)
-15 -15 10 15
-5 -5 10 5
8 8 10 8
13 10 13 13
18 10 18 18

Use Check-expect

Always write check-expects when keeping numbers small or large. It is very easy to have mistakes in this kind of code.


(random 5) => 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

( ???? ) => 0, 1, 2, …, 100

Random range

(random 101) => 0, 1, 2, …, 100

( ???? ) => 50, 51,52, …, 150

Random functions

Beginning student needs at least one parameter for a function. You can give the parameter a job if you want:

(define (random start-num)
    (+ start-num (random 101))

Checking random?