15. Conditionals

Making choices in Racket using ‘cond’.

See old slides for introductory material. The current slides lost their formatting.

15. Book

Assignments 15.A - 15.D from the text.

15. Slides

Day 1 Exercises

15. Warmups A

15. Cond Patterns

Patterns with conditionals and build-image.

15. Another Challenge

A beautiful image made with a conditional in build-image.

15. Graphing Review

A review of graphing with people and computer coordinates.

15. Heatmap

Using cond to create a multi-segment heat map. Applying it to the graphing review.

15. Heatmap with Contours

Color pixels based on values of a function. Put contour lines every 50 values.

15. Practice All

15. Practice Quiz

Practice quiz, adapted from a previous year.

Last modified November 29, 2023: Quizzes and reorganize conditionals (2e305f6)