15. Cond Patterns

Patterns with conditionals and build-image.

Do all exercises with build-image. Use a width of 600 and a height of 500. The exercises build in complexity - if you can do the earlier ones, go on to the later ones.

  1. Solid red circle, center (100,200), radius 75. Background white.

  2. Two circles in the same image:

    • Solid red circle, center (100,200), radius 75.
    • Solid blue curcle, center (300,200), radius 85.
  3. Two overlapping circles, overlapping part is purple:

    • Solid red circle, center (225,200), radius 75.
    • Solid blue curcle, center (300,200), radius 100.
    • Overlapping parts purple.
    • Everything else white.
  4. Shrink the circles and add another layer.

    • Red: center (225,200), radius 50.
    • Blue: center (300,200), radius 75.
    • Purple: overlap between red and blue.
    • Pink: center (225,200), radius 100.
    • Light blue: center (300,200), radius 125.
  5. Make the pattern repeat using remainder. You may want to modify it so that the pink and blue overlapping area is another color.

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)