20. Using Structures

Remembering or returning more than one thing. For example, coordinates.

20. Posn Util

Utility functions for posns. Accessing functions defined in other files.

20. Libraries

How to make a library of functions that you can use in other files.

20. Troubleshoot

Things that can go wrong using libraries.

20. Posn Math

A three page worksheet on doing conceptual math with posns.

20. Posn Math Programming

Mathy exercises with posns.

20. Click Circle

A circle moves around the screen randomly. You win if you can click on it.

20. Click Circle Questions

Brief explanation of how to stop animations and show a win screen.

20. Click Mega

20. Silly Square

A simply silly ‘game’ to practice win conditions.

20. Tightrope

A square changes color as you balance between two circles.

20. Ellipse

Track the shape of an ellipse.

20. Click Rectangle

Click on the rectangle and it moves to a new position.

20. Chase

A simple game where a square chases the mouse.

20. Map Image

Changing the colors in a picture, pixel by pixel.

20. Color Enhancing

One exercise working with color.

20. Review

Review questions on posn and color.

20. Ball Driving

Move the ball around the screen with a little control panel. Win when you get inside the target.

20. Quiz C - Solar Jump

20. Quiz D

Advanced: Aimbooster

A simplified aim-and-click practice.

Troll Quiz Practice

A simple example of something you should be able to do.

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)