22b. Lists

Lists give a way to remember an unlimited number of items.

22. List Intro

An introduction to lists in Racket.

22b. List Exercises 1

Introductory exercises with lists.

22b. List Exercises 1.5

Elementary exercises with lists.

22b. List Exercises 2

Vocabulary for list functions. More practice problems.

22b. Bubble Wrap

Random size circles all around the screen. Circles disappear when you click on them.

Bubble Review

Review for upcoming test on bubble wrap and hangman.

22b. List Exercises 3

Randomly generate points on a parabola and graph them in people coordinates.

22b. List Exercises 4

Practice quiz on lists.

22b. List Exercises 6

More exercises using lists.

22b. List Exercises 7

A few more exercises using lists.

22. Additional Resources


Create an interactive map showing delivery distances from the closest storage depot.

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)