22b. List Exercises 6

More exercises using lists.
  1. rep1: number(n) -> list of numbers. Produce a list with the number 20 repeated n times.

     (check-expect (rep1 5) (list 20 20 20 20 20))
  2. rep2: number(n) -> list of numbers. Produce a list with the pattern 30 40 repeated n times.

     (check-expect (rep2 3) (list 30 40 30 40 30 40))
  3. rep3: number(n) -> list of numbers. Produce a list of n numbers, repeating the pattern 50 60. (But not n repetitions of the pattern!)

     (check-expect (rep3 5) (list 50 60 50 60 50))
  4. sqlist: list of numbers -> list of images. Given a list of numbers, produce a list of purple outline squares using the numbers for side lengths.

  5. drop-10s : list-of-numbers -> list-of-numbers. Get rid of all of the multiples of 10 from the list.

  6. drop-10-plus : number(a) list-of-numbers -> list of numbers. Get rid of the number a as well as all multiples of 10.

  7. rnglist: number(n) -> list-of-numbers. Produce n values, randomly chosen from the multiples of 10 between 20 and 120 (inclusive). That means the possibilties are 20, 30, 40, …, 100, 110, 120.

  8. no35: list-of-numbers -> list-of-numbers. Remove all of items that are either 30 or 50. The output list should have everything from the original list except 30s and 50s.

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