Battleship Checks

Check-expects for the tricker functions in battleship.

The ability to write checks independently is important! These checks are written to help people know when they are off track, but if you are doing top-level work, you should be analyzing and writing your own functions (including checks). Check in here when you think your function works.

Basic definitions

(define-struct ship (name posns))
(define ex-ship-1
  (make-ship "Betty"
             (list (make-posn 5 1)
                   (make-posn 5 2))))
(define ex-ship-2
  (make-ship "Charlie"
             (list (make-posn 3 4))))


A shot is colored a “hit” if it hits any ship on the board. The only way to know a shot is a “miss” is by checking that it misses every ship. Any ship you do not check could be placed at the spot where the shot hits.

;; one ship, one shot, shot hits ship
(check-expect (shot-hit-any-ship? (make-posn 5 1)
                                  (list ex-ship-1))
;; one ship, one shot, shot misses ship
(check-expect (shot-hit-any-ship? (make-posn 5 4)
                                  (list ex-ship-1))
;; two ship, one shot, shot hits ship #2
(check-expect (shot-hit-any-ship? (make-posn 3 4)
                                  (list ex-ship-1
;; two ship, one shot, shot misses everything
(check-expect (shot-hit-any-ship? (make-posn 9 8)
                                  (list ex-ship-1


This discussion will use a helper function. It is not absolutely necessary to write your functions this way.

ship-sunk? : ship list-of-posn(shots) -> boolean
ship-sunk-helper? : list-of-posn(ship-posns)
                    -> boolean

Checks for the helper:

;; one shot, and it sinks the ship
(check-expect (ship-sunk-helper?
               (ship-posns ex-ship-2)
               (list (make-posn 3 4)))

;; one shot, and it misses the ship
(check-expect (ship-sunk-helper?
               (ship-posns ex-ship-2)
               (list (make-posn 4 5)))

;; two shots, and first misses, second sinks
(check-expect (ship-sunk-helper?
               (ship-posns ex-ship-2)
               (list (make-posn 3 8)
                     (make-posn 3 4)))

;; one shot hits, but ship has 2 posns, not sunk
(check-expect (ship-sunk-helper?
               (ship-posns ex-ship-1)
               (list (make-posn 5 1)))
 ;; two shots hits, sunk
(check-expect (ship-sunk-helper?
               (ship-posns ex-ship-1)
               (list (make-posn 5 2)
                     (make-posn 5 1)))
 ;; two shots hits, sunk
(check-expect (ship-sunk-helper?
               (ship-posns ex-ship-1)
               (list  (make-posn 5 1)
                      (make-posn 5 2)))

This function can be written by going through either the list of posns in the ship or the shots. I prefer to start with the question “is the first posn in the ship hit by a shot?”

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)