Sem.I 2020 Review Notes

These notes refer to the 2019 review guides.

  • Last Year’s Topic List is still very relevant. We did more with gradients and build-image this year, so you should add that to the list.

  • I.1 Review 1: All of these questions are relevant and were discussed this year.

  • I.2 Review 2: All good.

  • I.3 Review 3: Red-blue OK. Ignore reading. Others more complex.

  • I.4 Review 4: Question 1 only.

  • I.5 Review 5: “Extras: Lite Review Questions” only.

  • I.6 Review 6: Graphing question is important. Others fine. Gas gauge tricky, not emphasized this year.

  • I.7 Review 7: Skip.

  • I.8 Review 8: Question 1 good (gradient).

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)