Typed Racket

A version of Racket that enforces signatures. Helps transition to strongly typed languages like Java.

Typed Intro

All of the basics you need to start using Typed Racket.

Typed Variables and Functions

Giving types to variables and functions.

Typed Structures

Using define-struct in Typed Racket. Additional info on posn-util, struct-copy, and limit for use with make-color.

Typed Big Bang

big-bang works almost exactly the same in Typed Racket. This page explains any differences.

Typed Exercises 1

Introductory exercises for learning Typed Racket.

Typed Exercises 2

Additional practice writing typed functions, includes lists and recursion.

Typed Exercises 3

Exercises to practice using structures in Typed Racket.

Bumper Cars

Bumper Two Player

Conversion from one player to two player bumper boats.


Two player checkers in Typed Racket

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)