2022-11-04 MtF

We are working on the Modeling the Future challenge. I like some of the questions and do not like others. We will work on it through Monday Nov 7, a total of 3 days, and then present our work (Wednesday).

No Retyping

Make variables when you need to reuse quantities. Ask if you need help making variables.

Places where a human retypes a result are error prone. If you get more data, or discover errors in the data, you want to be able to just re-run the whole analysis. Steps where you need to recopy the data from earlier prevent that.

Make Progress

You need something to report on the “summary day”. Whatever you did, have something to say about it.


  • Technical things that you learn how to do in R. (E.g., read_excel.)
  • Interesting mistakes you made. (E.g., grouped by two variables but only thought about one when summarizing).
  • Mathematical concepts that you learn.
  • Ideas that you found interesting.

Most Will Not Finish

We’re not spending enough time on this “student worksheet” for everyone to finish. Spend at least one day working on the mathematical/data questions (this is Part III, beginning around question 12).

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)