Ch05 Problem Set

Notes on the Chapter 5 problems to do.

Once you have a graph, write a sentence about what it means! Draw a conclusion for the reader so they know what you are seeing. People with different backgrounds will see different things in the same graph.

Don’t forget about na.rm=TRUE when you need it.

Other useful sources of information:

Section 5.6 Notes

  • Question 4 (Is the proportion of cancelled flights related to the average delay?) - I don’t know what you could find for “a pattern” in the number of cancelled flights per day, so feel free to ignore the first part of this question. The second part of the question (quoted here) makes sense and you should try to come up with a visualization investigating it.

  • Question 5 (Which carrier has the worst delays?) You need to explain how you are going to measure “worst delays”. There are lots of ways: mean delay, median delay, maximum delay, 95th percentile delay, etc. Decide something that makes sense to you, explain why you chose it, and go ahead.

    I think bad airports vs bad carriers is a very interesting question. We will get more tools to analyze this later on in the class.

Section 5.7 Notes

I found that I needed to read about some of the functions in the Window Functions vignette in order to do number 8.

  • Question 5: I would be interested to hear comments about your investigation into delays being correlated in time. I was surprised and confused by what I found.

  • Question 6: We talked about this some in class. See if you can find some interesting cases of very fast or very slow flights to discuss.

  • Question 7: Pick how you rank the carriers. The question is vague. We could talk about a particular method.

Last modified August 18, 2023: 2022-2023 End State (7352e87)