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N2T Chapter 1: Boolean Logic

Written Explanations

Explain in words. Clarity is more important than length. These explanations must be 100% written by yourself. If you have to look up definitions, wait 8 hours before you write. Do not look up more than definitions.

  • What is the purpose of a mux chip? Explain briefly, at a high level.
  • What is the purpose of a dmux chip? Explain briefly, at a high level.
  • What is the difference between dmux4way and dmux8way?
  • Compare using Or16 and using two Or8Way chips, showing what you understand.

Reflection Questions

Check your notebook for ideas. One paragraph.

  • Which circuits gave you the most difficulty? What were they? Explain the source of the difficulty. Do you think you would have the same difficulty again in a similar circumstance? Explain.

Chips from Chapter 1

Include each of these in your document, in this order.

Not And Or Xor Mux DMux Not16 And16 Or16 Mux16 Or8Way Mux4Way16 Mux8Way16 Dmux4Way DMux8Way

Important: Note any incomplete chips or chips that fail test cases at the start of this section.

Please list:

  • Chips that do not 100% work.
  • Chips that you needed significant help with (explain).

Code goes in the box below. Copy the style of the first one.

// File name: projects/1/Not.hdl
 * Not gate:
 * if (in) out = 0, else out = 1
CHIP Not {
    IN in;
    OUT out;

    Nand(a=in, b=in, out=out);

Learning Expectations: Knowledge / Comprehension

(No work is necessary here.)

  • Memorize all of the gates, so you know from the name what it does. (You should be able to figure out its truth table from this info.)
  • What is the name of the circuit design language we used?
  • Describe a foolproof process for producing a logic circuit from a truth table.

Learning Expectations: Application

  • Given a truth table, create a circuit using only and, or, and not gates.